In a study conducted by Haythornwaite (2007), online communities and social networks were analyzed. Through the use of a Social Network Analysis, the focus of the study was to access what was exchanged, communicated, and shared by individuals in a community. In thinking about my involvement with A Better Chance much of what Haythornwaite discusses can be used to analyze this community. The online aspect of A Better Chance comes from the use of an online log in to access resources from the national website and email listservs. As a scholar, I received numerous emails from my regional director about summer internship opportunities and leadership summits. Since becoming an alumni, I receive emails targeted towards becoming a mentor to rising scholars and how to continue my involvement with the organization. Recently, I was invited to join a Facebook group created by the A Better Chance Alumni Council. The group has made interacting with current scholars and alumni from across the country a lot easier. A Better Chance also hosts a slew of social programs, volunteer activities, and awards banquets, which allow individuals to interact with each other as well.
In Haythornwaite's study, three aspects are drawn upon to highlight the idea of "Social Capital": social network, common ground, and reciprocity.
As evident from the various mediums with which scholars and alumni can interact with each other, it is apparent that social network in the A Better Chance organization is prominent. The program as a whole fosters a sense of community that extends beyond one's direct involvement as a scholar. While there are divisions based on the type of school one attends (i.e. community school program, boarding school, or day school) and the region one resides in, overall there still exists a close relationship among program participants.
With respect to common ground, I believe that this is also present in the A Better Chance organization. Before receiving entry into the program, each individual had to take numerous exams, fill out pages upon pages of paperwork, and undergo an array of interviews. Thus, it is evident that each of the individuals affiliated with the program have a high level of commitment to educational advancement and building social networks.

Reciprocity is defined by Webster as a "mutual exchange of privileges". I believe that the structure of the A Better Chance Program speaks to this concept as well. Upon first becoming affiliated with the organization as a scholar, one gets exposed to an array of opportunities, whether academically geared or focused on leadership initiatives that are provided to them free of cost. Once, an individual becomes a alumni they often contribute financial resources to contribute to foster the continuation of the program. In addition, many offer their time and energy by serving as mentors, interviewers, or orientation leaders.
Since "A Better Chance" is a national organization, I’d have to imagine that you can only develop very close, strong ties with a relatively small subset of the members. But this is not a bad thing – you do develop a large network of loose acquaintances. These are the weak ties, and they are important. The Strength of Weak Ties argues that weak ties can bridge the gap between people who share the same resources as you and people who have access to a totally different set of resources. In this sense, the numerous weak ties you develop could be one of the strongest assets of joining an organization such as "A Better Chance."
Hi Julia,
Great post on this organization! I think A Better Chance is a perfect example of how Haythornwaite's SNA factors come into play, and how these can work to one's advantage within a community. You've also shown how CMC has promoted your communication with both your strong and weak ties - I'm sure such connections are salient in your life now and will continue to be in your future. My favorite part of your post, though, was your pictures - how did you post those on the blog?? :) Similar to the comment you made on my post, I was previously unaware of A Better Chance -- thank you for sharing with us the background of such an astute organization.
Great post. I know that my public school accepted ABC kids, but I never really knew much about the program until now, even though one of my best friends had a student living at her house. I know the ABC kids at Cornell tend to talk a lot about the program, so there must be something to it.
Also, this does seem like a good social network to analyze, since it aims to create both strong and weak ties. Does ABC have a strong internet community also? It's funny, but ABC kind of reminds me of YPO in a way, which is perhaps telling.
That was a great post. Well thought out, with good pictures to liven up your post. The program sounds highly beneficial and it's nice to hear that CMC has help connect such a large network of dedicated individuals. I was a part of the LEAD program in high school and even though I had only spent a couple weeks with the people at my site, we still keep in contact via e-mail and facebook. And the organization itself, connects us with great internships and full time opportunties. I believe CMC has truly benefitted programs such as A Better Chance and LEAD.
This is a clear example. The organization also sustains itself in multiple ways in the online realm via CMC communication. In fact, the CMC communication actually helps develop the organization and keep it going. Your example makes it evident that for organizations to become successful social networks, reciprocity and social obligations are major themes.
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