Tuesday, October 23, 2007

“I know what you did on Facebook” Assignment 7.2

According to the Brunswik’s lens model, observers utilize available environmental cues as a lens to make judgments. When a particular cue accurately reflects a target’s personality that cue is said to have cue validity. When a particular cue is utilized it is called cue utilization. The co-occurrence of both cue validity and cue utilization leads to functional achievement, which allows an observer to make an accurate judgment about a target. Using this approach, I assessed the personality (according to the Five Factor Model) of an acquaintance named “Jimmy” who I have had limited conversations with consisting only of the words hello and goodbye, by focusing on the following four mechanisms that link Jimmy to the Facebook environment.

Self-directed Identity

Self-directed identity claims are ‘statements made by occupants for their own benefit, intended to reinforce their self-views’ (Walther). His relationship status can be considered self-directed for he is “married” to a male friend even though he is interested in women. I inferred from this inside joke that he has a sense of humor. Another self-directed identity claim is his private gifts for while you can see the image, he reveals neither the gift sender nor the message. I inferred that he is well-liked to receive one dollar virtual gifts that are impractical and holds only sentimental value.

Other-directed Identity

Other-directed identity claims are ‘symbols that have shared meanings to make statements to others about how they would like to be regarded’ (Walther). This includes most of the information on his profile such as his 30 various “favorite bands,” “favorite movies” and “favorite books.” I inferred from the variety of his many favorite things that he is open-minded.

Interior Behavioral Residue

Interior behavioral residue is “physical traces of activities conducted in the immediate environment’ (Walther) such as “newsfeed.” Based on newsfeed, Jimmy frequently posts comments and immediately replies when he receives a wall posting. He also downloads extra applications to send a “superpoke” rather than a regular poke, which made me infer that he is very social and is high in agreeableness.

Exterior Behavioral Residue

Exterior behavioral residue is residue of ‘behaviors performed by the individual entirely outside of those immediate surroundings’ (Walther) such as wall postings. Wall postings seem to be more valid and reliable because they are not controllable and costly to change. Various girls commented on how much fun they had “one-shotting” (consuming alcohol) with him and thanking him for walking them back home. I inferred that he is popular with the ladies and rated him high in extraversion.

Overall, according to the Five Factor Model, Jimmy can be rated high in agreeableness and extraversion. Certain traits were not as visible such as neuroticism, openness and conscientiousness. This suggests that perhaps some factors are not available in CMC that would allow one to asses certain traits. Although I was unable to form an accurate impression, I was able to generally assess his personality through his Facebook behavior. Perhaps next time I will extend our hello-goodbye conversation by adding “I know what you did on Facebook.”

Comment 1
Comm 245 Blue: 72: Web Personality Sleuth

Comment 2
Comm 245 Blue: Assignment 7.2


Zak Bell said...

In terms of what we talked about in class when we were talking about how more positive statements on your profile will make others think of you as more popular, social, etc. I think the gift giving was crucial. You mentioned that you thought he was well liked because people are sending him gifts when they cost $1. I agree with you. My only question is that I thought it might fit better under interior behavioral residue.

We also talked about the sexual double standard in class, and how posting about drinking can negatively affect a woman in the eyes of others. You added validity to this claim that by him “walking ladies home” he was popular with the ladies. He should keep doing what he is doing; it is obviously adding positive feedback to his facebook profile.

Gallagher said...

I would have to agree with you in various parts of your blog, especially how Jimmy is well liked, very social, and high in agreeableness. One aspect that I did not quite agree on was how you failed to mention that his personality or actions such as walking people home relates to interior behavioral residue. Perhaps you felt that you had mentioned enough about that aspect but I feel that this characteristic of Jimmy demonstrates interior behavioral residue more than anything else. Well Done.