Monday, September 3, 2007

1 comment:

Will Douglas said...

I think the psychological space you chose to interact in is quite unique. I just think that it would be rather hard to form an impression of someone in a space like this due to the competitive nature Madden. I, myself have been involved in competitive sports for a long time, as well as, playing competitive games like Madden with my friends for years. From my experience, I know that a person's competitive nature takes over in spaces like these, and a person acts quite different when in competition, which would make it quite hard to form and actual impression of the person.
Also, from experience I'm almost sure that "Bmoreravens20" wasn't the only one talking smack throughout the conversation. I know when I play I do a considerable amount of smack talking as well. In doing so, I think this would also lead to the "behavior confirmation" aspect of the hyperpersonal model because it would allow "Bmoreravens20" to confirm that both of you are somewhat cocky/competitive and encourage him to continually send instigating messages to you, thus intesifying your impression of him as a self-absorbed, cocky jerk even more.

All in all, I liked it Zak. I'm almost sure it is a much more unique and different psychological space than most of the class will choose to use.